Action RPG Maple Forest celebrates ticking off its first stretch goal!
After its launch in Kickstarter on September 30th, action RPG Maple Forest unlocks its first stretch goal! In less than 24 hours after the campaign was posted, Maple Forest reached its funding goal. As of October 10th, a total of 1,358 people backed the game, with a total of $74,137 pledged. Needless to say, a lot of people are looking forward to playing Maple Forest.
All About the Action RPG Maple Forest
Maple Forest is an action RPG developed by James Bergeron, the sole developer who also goes by the name Natsu Kaze. In the Kickstarter update, the developer stated, “I’ve been slowly working up my skills in art, music, and coding for over a decade now, and recently I finally thought “alright, I’m good enough in all of them to make something actually special for everyone.””
Maple Forest a game inspired by 90s classics, including Legend of Zelda. The story starts with you, the hero fox who goes on an adventure across a sinking island. The village elder tells you that the island guardian is at the top of the island’s tallest mountain. The door to the island guardian’s shrine is locked, and you become aware of the island’s sinking due to mysterious reasons that you’ll soon uncover.

Gameplay and Features of Maple Forest
Action RPGs offer a plethora of things to explore in a dynamic and fantasy world, and Maple Forest is no different. With its retro pixel art style, this game brings a whole new level of nostalgia, especially to those who are fans of retro games. The game’s narrative, while simple, carries a strong sense of urgency and mystery. You’ll set on an adventure across Maple Island where you uncover mysterious secrets, meet friends, and fight dangerous enemies.
There are a lot of places to explore in Maple Forest. From barren desserts to wind-buffeted cliffs, you’ll never run out of adventure. To top all that, as the hero of the story, you must find the reasons why Maple Island is sinking.
You will find over 40 items on the island to aid your adventures. Some are easy to obtain, while others will only be found by clever and devoted adventurers. Other than these items, you’ll also find tools, such as a bow and arrow to help you in battle. Other tools are the lantern, the flame bangle, the boomerang, and the shovel.
Save the caterpillars!! 🐛
— NATSU • KAZE (@_NATSU_KAZE_) October 9, 2024
Support Maple Forest on Kickstarter today! 🍃
What to Expect in Future Game Updates

Currently, Maple Forest is on its way to unlocking its next stretch goal in Kickstarter. If you decide to back the game, you’ll be able to receive a variety of rewards. These include a copy of the game + DLC, exclusive merchandise, and the chance to add your very own NPC to the game!
Based on the recent updates from the developer, the game’s funding is going steadily. Furthermore, once the next stretch goal is unlocked, new art and updates will be released.
The developer is aiming to launch Maple Forest in summer of 2025 for PC and console platforms.
The Community's Involvement in Making Action RPG Maple Forest Come True Is Amazing
As I mentioned at the start of the article, the community helped a lot in making the Kickstarter successful. There are still 21 days of crowdfunding left, and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down.
Two stretch goals—a new type of weapon and the capacity to personalize the main character’s house—have already been met. More are planned, including a bestiary, the capability to go to the ocean, and the capability to farm monsters.
The least expensive option is to buy a digital copy for your preferred platform. It costs about $26 if you want to get your copy and assist the project in meeting any of its stretch goals.
You will also be able to create your own NPC for the next DLC Maple Forest Epilogue: Patron Vacation within the scope of the same tier. Although there isn’t a specific release date for the incentives yet, June 2025 is the projected delivery date.
People Are Looking Forward to the Release of Action RPG Maple Forest
I’m not gonna lie, this looks like a very promising game. What makes things even better is that in addition to future beta demos, project backers can anticipate quarterly updates on development.
Therefore, if you have a special interest in the Maple Forest universe, this is most likely your best option for discovering small pieces as they join together to form a single experience.
Do stay tuned and catch the gaming current with GameEels because I, and my colleagues here, will definitely be waiting for updates about Action RPG Maple Forest. Be sure to read our other news articles to keep up with what’s hot and what’s not in the gaming world!