Blasphemous is not easy, and this Blasphemous Chalice of Inverted Verses guide is here to help players overcome one of the game’s more difficult quest challenges.

After extensively playing the game and beating one of the hardest achievements in the game (Requiem Aeternam), plus getting 100% on a New Game (second save file), I can safely say that I have truly beaten Blasphemous’s base game. It wasn’t easy, as well, let me tell you. The entire experience was like playing Zoochosis without a Zoochosis guide for beginners (if you know, you know).
Nevertheless, I thought I’d help my fellow Penitent Ones out there by making this guide. Let’s go ahead and get Inverted Chalice filled to the brim!
But First, Let's Understand What the Inverted Chalice Is
The Inverted Chalice is a quest item in Blasphemous. Its description reads:
“Rusty iron cup, of simple appearance. Its interior is embossed in lackluster silver, and depicts rows of spiral verses, which descend to the bottom. These rhymes speak of pagan beasts and forbidden fruit.
The cup is partially filled with Tears of Atonement, harvested by Mea Culpa.”
Three adversaries are shown in a room in the Desecrated Cistern that contains the Inverted Chalice. Players also need the Three Gnarled Tongues and Nail Uprooted from Dirt to access to the room.
Its location can be seen on the map here:

Players can also reach it by throwing themselves into the abyss from above with only The Linen of Golden Thread. They can then spam projectiles to get closer to the ledge. However, Level 2 projectiles could be needed for this method to work.
How Can This Blasphemous Chalice of Inverted Verses Guide Help Players Finish the Inverted Chalice Quest?
Each of the subsequent creatures that are shown in the chamber must be killed in order to complete the quest. The creatures are:
1. Lion Heart, which players can find in the area called Wall of the Holy Prohibitions

2. Phalaris, which players can find in the area(s) called Mountains of the Endless Dusk and Echoes of Salt.

3. Sleepless Tomb, which players can find in the area called Sleeping Canvasses (note: to make the Sleepless Tomb, players must enter the area only from the left side)

The notification “Chalice of Inverted Verses has been partially filled” will show up each time one of the required enemies is killed. This Blasphemous Chalice of Inverted Verses guide will help you find an efficient way to kill these creatures. My goal here is to lessen the risk of dying so that you won’t have to repeat the challenge over and over.
The message displayed will change to indicate that the Chalice has been fully filled after all three have been killed. After that, the player then has to go back to the Chalice room. Once they’re back, they must then proceed to put the chalice back to the statue.
Blasphemous really has the player earn this quest. Why? As soon as the first adversary is eliminated, and throughout the mission, should the player utilize a Gate of Travel, teleport via the Prie Dieu, or die, the Chalice will automatically be emptied.
If this happens, players will have to gruelingly kill the three aforementioned all over again.
Solve Chalice of Inverted Verses Puzzle and Challenge With This Easy Way
To make the task easier to do, start it once you’ve unlocked the shortcut between the Wall of the Holy Prohibitions and the Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage.
At the entrance of The Sleeping Canvases, close to the Library of the Negated Words, you must first slay the Sleepless Tomb by the Prie Dieu.
To kill the Lionheart in the Wall of the Holy Prohibitions, proceed past the Archcathedral Rooftops, Mother of Mothers, and Library of the Negated Words.
Then, ride the elevator in the Graveyard of the Peaks, walk to the Mountains of the Endless Dusk to kill a Phalaris, and take the shortcut to the Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage.
Lastly, go back to the Chalice room and finish the mission by using the elevator in the Desecrated Cistern. This strategy faces the spike-and-blade platforming issue early, making it simple to restart in the event that the Penitent One dies.
Here’s a video that you can use for visual reference:
Hope This Blasphemous Chalice of Inverted Verses Guide Helps
Although this one isn’t as complex as looking up a Black Myth: Wukong Secret Ending Guide, many players were, and still are, stuck in this Chalice of Inverted Verses.
I hope that everyone can use this guide to help them overcome this challenging quest. Don’t give up, guys! I know you can do it! Just follow the steps we’ve laid out here, and you’ll soon finish this quest. You got this!
That’s all from me for now. But stay tuned for more guides and news on games in the gaming industry with GameEels, and we’ll see you guys in the next article!