Released in 2021, Unpacking is a cozy game that brings a sense of relaxation and nostalgia, and our Unpacking Sticker Achievements guide will help you cozily 100% the game!

Like any other game, Unpacking has a number of achievements that players can collect as they play through the game. Some of these achievements are tricky and not that obvious. This guide aims to help players achieve all Unpacking sticker achievements with ease!
As the main character, you move to different houses and unpack your things as you settle down. The beauty of Unpacking is how the game showcases a heartwarming story of growing up. While you unpack, you see hints of meeting and letting go of people in the past and facing the future. Despite not having a clear narrative, players can enjoy and understand the story through unpacking.
The game was well received and earned multiple awards in the gaming industry. This includes the Game of the Year award in the Australian Game Developer Awards 2021. Aside from that, more and more people continue to play this game to this date.
Now, let’s get into collecting those stickers.

All Unpacking Sticker Achievements
- Solve A Puzzle (1999 and 2004) – Unpack the rubik’s cube from the boxes and right click on the toy until all sides are solved. Doing so will unlock the Unpacking Sticker Achievements for this one.
- Blast Some Tunes – A music player is available on each level/year. To complete this achievement, choose one music player and right click on the item. A song will play, and you will get one of the Unpacking Sticker Achievements afterwards.

- Electrical Hazard – In every year except 1997, put the toaster (or any electronics) in the bathtub or sink. This one is a bit morbid as an Unpacking Sticker Achievements, but it’s not really anything serious in the game.
- Strike A Pose (2004 and 2007) – In years 2004 or 2007, you can unpack a wooden human mannequin. Right click on the mannequin until the it hits the ‘dabbing pose’ to unlock one of the game’s more subtle Unpacking Sticker Achievements.
- A Sometimes Food (2004) – When unpacking the things in the kitchen during the early years, you can see the cookie jar. However, the Unpacking Sticker Achievements only triggers when you place the cookie jar on the topmost shelf in kitchen in year 2004.
- Hat on Head (2007, 2015, and 2018) – You can get the “Hat on Head” achievement sticker by putting the green hat on the mannequin head. The mannequin head is located on the topmost bookshelf in 2007. Another option for getting this Unpacking Sticker Achievements is putting the hat on the creepy monster head in 2015 or 2018.
- 12:00 (2004, 2007, 2013, and 2018) – Set the time to 12:00 in any blinking clock. Right click on the digital clock in 2004 or 2007. You can also complete this and get it as one of the Unpacking Sticker Achievements by setting the timer in the microwaves in 2013 or 2018.
- Gotta Flush ‘Em All (2004, 2007, 2010, 2013/2015, and 2018) – It’s important to understand that all toilets in the game are interactable, in order for you to get the “Gotta Flush ‘Em All” achievement. Right click on the handle of each toilet to flush. Make sure to flush all six of the toilets to get the Unpacking Sticker Achievements. Note: The toilets in 2013 and 2015 are in the same house.
- Game On (2007, 2010, 2013, 2015, and 2018) – There are different consoles available in the game, including the game’s own version of GameCube and Wii. Right click on any of the consoles, and you can see a game booting up on the tv. The games that appear in the television vary depending on the year, so do keep this mind when trying to get the Unpacking Sticker Achievements for this one.
- Tidy Whities (2010) – Place all of the boyfriend’s socks and underwear in one single drawer. After that, check and make sure to line them up neatly. You can also choose to include the ties, but these are optional and not required for the achievement.
- Brew Some Coffee (2010) – This achievement is a bit tricky and would need proper placement of things. Place the following things on top of the table near the sink: mug, kitchen scale, espresso maker, coffee bean grinders, electric tea kettle, coffee beans, pour-over gravity coffee maker, chrome gooseneck kettle, and milk warming cup.
- Rediscover Childhood (2012) – Unpack the purple poster and display it in your childhood room. This poster also appears in your room in year 1997.
- Brilliantly Solved (2013, 2015, and 2018) – Make a math equation using the numbered fridge magnets.

- Baby Builder (2018) – To get this achievement sticker, head to the baby’s room in year 2018. Stack the building blocks on top of each other until you make a tall tower of at least 4-5 alphabet blocks.

- Fuzzy Friends (2018) –Put the stuffed pig and tiger next to each other. You can do this either on the chair or baby’s crib, as long as it’s inside the baby’s room. Make sure the stuffed toys are facing in the same direction.

And with that, you’re all set to add those delightful stickers to your collection and fully enjoy the cozy experience of organizing your virtual spaces! I hope this guide helps you with collecting all the Unpacking sticker achievements.
Check out GameEels for more guides or news about cozy games like Unpacking!