Blizzard’s Overwatch Classic announcement has got many players excited, and some of them are even asking the question: Is Overwatch finally going to be fun again?
Photo from GameRant
As you all know, Overwatch 2 wasn’t stellarly accepted by many in the world of gaming. With the many bugs, uninteresting changes, and microtransactions, fans and new players alike were understandably put off by the game when it was released. Plus, the news of former Blizzard President Mike Ybarra’s plans to cut microtransactions in Diablo 4 and reboot Overwatch before Microsoft buyout didn’t help much, either.
However, it looks like Christmas came early for gamers as Blizzard is treating us with Overwatch: Classic—a blast to the past that we surely wouldn’t want to miss out on!
Overwatch 2 Lets Players Relive the Glory Days of Old Overwatch
Taking inspiration from World of Warcraft Classic, Overwatch 2 is going back to the beginning. Blizzard’s announcement of a brand-new Overwatch Classic mode that includes the original 12 maps and 21 heroes from the 2016 edition.
According to Blizzard, the Overwatch 2 Classic mode, which goes live on Tuesday and lasts for three weeks, will highlight significant events from Overwatch’s past. You can theoretically create a squad full of tanks or Torbjörns because it will start with the original 1.0 version from the game’s launch, with no restrictions on the characters you can choose.
Indeed, it will be 6v6, but Blizzard claims that this has nothing to do with its attempts to revive the format in Overwatch 2. There has been confirmed news of Overwatch 2 officially bringing back 6v6 in testing this December.
What Would Overwatch: Classic's Gameplay Look Like?
The gameplay of Overwatch Classic will mostly be similar to that of the original game. We might get some fast and fun fights with ultimates charging up considerably faster and characters regaining their initial abilities.
Here’s the official trailer for Overwatch 2: Classic Mode that shows a bit of gameplay:
Route 66, Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Numbani, and Dorado are among the maps that will continue to use the Overwatch 2 modifications, including match timing and elevator platform functionality. Blizzard intends to gradually introduce modifications, such as single hero limits, as the event goes on.
Blizzard intends to gradually introduce modifications, such as single hero limits, as the event goes on. Overwatch 2 devs have stated that future updates will revisit “popular moments in the game’s history,” specifically the 2017 Moth Meta. Another example that comes to mind is the triple-support, triple-tank style of “Goats.”
You can check out more info about some frequently asked questions in their official FAQ regarding the Overwatch 2 Classic mode event.
Will This Overwatch Nostalgia Last?
It’s unclear if Blizzard will eventually bring Overwatch: Classic back or if it will be a one-time event. But judging by the enthusiasm fans have already exhibited for the launch, it looks like it will be a huge success.
If this Overwatch 2 mode of play is as well-liked as Junkenstein’s Revenge, Blizzard might decide to turn it into a permanent feature, prolong its lifespan, or even bring it back periodically.
One thing that is important to note is that this event is taking place just a couple of weeks before Marvel Rivals. It’s the largest competition Overwatch has ever faced, and it officially launches this coming December 6.
Along with offering players access to Marvel’s cast of well-known characters, the game also has 6v6 gameplay without role locks. This makes it more analogous to the launch version of Overwatch compared to the present version of Overwatch 2.
If this is true, it looks like Blizzard is going to need another gimmick like the Overwatch 2 x World of Warcraft: Crossover Event because if Overwatch: Classic does well, fans are going to flock to Marvel Rivals due to its gameplay.
Let the Chaotic Fun in Overwatch Classic Begin!
We’d have to really keep an eye on this one, so we’ll be monitoring the event from November 12 to December 2 and deliver a report if something happens.
Now, I don’t know if this one’s going to be a welcome journey down memory lane, or maybe the Overwatch classic mode will age horribly. But what I do know is that anything is better compared to the three-year content void that preceded the release of Overwatch 2—even if it is a failure.
But what do you guys think about this news? Are you also excited to play Overwatch 2’s Classic mode? Let us know in the comments below!
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