We’ve got some of the best FPS horror games in this list that fans of the genre should absolutely check out—but be warned: these games have a “Play at your own risk” type of vibe to them!
I know for a fact that I’m not the only sucker for FPS horror games here. Horror is one of the genres that I was exposed to at a young age. I remember playing Diablo, Hunter Hunted, Resident Evil 1, 2, and 3, Dino Crisis, and a bunch of other old games worth playing on the horror side while I was in elementary school.
Although I do love horror games, I’m not like my younger brother (God rest his soul) or MoistCr1TiKaL who play horror titles with a monotonous face that a lot of so-called “stoics” would envy. No, I’m more like PewDiePie. I shout, cover my face, and look at cute pictures of cats and dogs to ease the tension.
With that said, here’s a list of some of the finest FPS horror games that I’ve played throughout the years. Oh, and by the way, this list isn’t ranked.
F.E.A.R (First Encounter Assault Recon) - 2005
One of the greatest FPS horror games available is probably the F.E.A.R. series. My first experience with it was when the game was focused on the eponymous F.E.A.R (First Encounter Assault Recon) group in the first installment of the franchise.
So the game starts with the group being dispatched to handle a renegade psychic operator. When Point Man finds out about Alma’s presence, the recon team’s mission to infiltrate the organization and kill the target becomes anything but straightforward.
F.E.A.R. is one of the first but best first-person shooters available, and it has produced one of the most iconic horror villains ever. It has enjoyable shooter combat and a ton of enemies that throw themselves to the player as cannon fodder.
How iconic is the game’s villain? So iconic that Alma, and the horrors she caused, are well known, even to individuals who have never played the game for themselves.
Here’s a trailer for F.E.A.R.:
Cry of Fear - 2012
Cry of Fear started off as a Half-Life mod before evolving into a stand-alone game. Once it did, it became one of the best FPS horror games that I’ve played, which many gamers from around the world agree with. The game is known for introducing a brand-new, terrifying first-person game and winning praise from independent horror game fans.
It tells the tale of Simon, a guy who is struck by a car and awakens in an alleyway. While attempting to navigate his way home, he is ensnared in a nightmarish world. A world where creatures prowl the dimly lit hallways and assault everybody they come across.
Although it largely appears to be a psychological horror game similar to Silent Hill, Simon has the option to equip himself with weapons to protect himself from the monsters he encounters. However, it is possible for people to just kite the monsters to avoid them.
The first time I played Cry of Fear, I had a lot of shouts and screams from all the scares the game threw at me. Especially that one jumpscare during a very early stage in the game that really got me. It felt like I had a mini heart attack after that, I tell you. If this game were ever available on Android, it’d easily be one of the best Android horror games.
Here’s a trailer for Cry of Fear:
Half-Life - 1998
There is no denying that Half-Life was a genuinely groundbreaking game in the first-person shooter genre. It’s a game that had a significant impact on story-driven games in general thanks to its distinct, organic storytelling style. Notwithstanding its age, Half-Life continues to be a captivating shooter that deftly blends action and story.
Although it isn’t the most horrifying experience in-game, the barnacle is undoubtedly one of Half-Life‘s most terrifying opponents. Its straightforward 3D model and generally innocuous nature may make it seem less frightening to others. However, there’s something concerning the way they captivate gamers with their tongue.
They are an eerie foe because of the animation involved and their propensity to lurk on ceilings. Aside from that, it’s one of the classic FPS horror games that many people love. Although the game is on the PlayStation (PlayStation 2 specifically), the best version is still on PC, worthy of being added to your chilling October playlist of games.
Here’s a trailer for Half-Life:
Resident Evil VII - 2017
Resident Evil VII is frequently hailed as Capcom’s comeback to survival horror, reintroducing cramped spaces and dim corridors with an emphasis on the genre. The Winters’ storyline was also introduced in this game, with Ethan heading to Louisiana’s backwaters to look for his wife, who had apparently reappeared after disappearing for a total of three years. He ends up taking on the deranged and insane Baker family as he searches for his wife and discovers the truth about them.
Even though the Winters’ narrative appears to be ended, fans still have a special place in their hearts for Resident Evil VII‘s grindhouse horror aesthetics and its enduring enemies who made players feel incredibly afraid. Fans disagreed with its daring new approach of using a first-person viewpoint rather than an over-the-shoulder one. However, in the end, it became a pleasant change that added to the game’s dismal atmosphere.
Enjoy one of the best FPS horror games of 2017 with this one. And speaking of Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2 (1998) gets a PC release on GOG that you can download and play.
Here’s a trailer for Resident Evil VII:
Bioshock - 2007
The plot of Bioshock, which is set beneath the sea in the once-ideal city of Rapture, centers on the protagonist, who finds himself within the now-ruined and dilapidated submerged metropolis that has fallen into the hands of Splicers and the fearsome Big Daddy.
He forms an alliance with the enigmatic Atlas. Atlas serves as his guide through the underwater city’s winding passages. They form a decent relationship, with Atlas politely requesting that he obey the instructions. Eventually, he ends up facing Andrew Ryan, who discloses the reason for Jack’s creation.
Bioshock is the pinnacle of FPS perfection, with seamless gameplay and a flawlessly consistent and superb visual style. The Big Daddies, the hulking giants of death and destruction, and the terrible, aggressive, and insane Splicers provide just the proper amount of dread.
You are in for a wonderful and horrific ride with one of the best FPS horror games.
Here’s a trailer for Bioshock:
Try Out the Best FPS Horror Games We Have in This List Today
Wow! This was so fun to write. The games in this list are ones that I consider to be my favorite ones, so this was a blast.
There are plenty of other awesome FPS horror games out there that could easily be one of the greatest FPS horror titles. If you have your own list, tell us what they are by typing down their titles in the comments section below.
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