Snowbreak: Containment Zone recently launched a free update titled “Suspense in Skytopia” to commemorate the game’s one-year anniversary.
With the launch of the anniversary version of Snowbreak: Containment Zone on July 11, the game ranked #1 on Steam Japan, #2 on the Apple App Store in China, and #27 on the top-selling list of Steam.
The maximum number of concurrent online users of Snowbreak: Containment Zone on Steam also jumped from the usual 1,500 to 9,964.
This achievement can be attributed to the developers’ attentiveness to player feedback and the substantial updates made to the game since its June 2023 launch.
What Is the "Suspense in Skytopia" All About?
The “Suspense in Skytopia” update brings the ninth chapter of the Snowbreak saga, now available on Steam and mobile platforms.
Players can expect two new operatives, Lyfe and Fenny, with unique abilities and weapons, limited-time anniversary events, an expanded dormitory system for enhanced character interactions, a range of stunning new outfits, and more.
Snowbreak: Containment Zone‘s “Suspense in Skytopia” update is available now for free on Android, iOS, and PC via Steam.
Speaking of updates, the Elden Ring Patch 1.13 update was just released. As a tarnished, you’re going to need the valuable information found in our article about this specific Elden Ring update. It’ll help you survive the harsh lands you’ll be stepping into.

Snowbreak: Containment Zone's "Suspense in Skytopia" Quality of Life Updates
One of the good things about being able to provide an update for your games is that you can make it better for players. You often see this happen in multiplayer games and Gacha games, which are everchanging landscapes.
In this section, allow me to present to you guys the quality of life updates that Snowbreak: Containment Zone’s “Suspense in Skytopia” offers:
• New Snowbreak: Containment Zone Tactic Evaluation FastPass
You know how the levels in Tactic Evaluation are so simple and mind-numbingly dull that no one really enjoys playing it? You can now enjoy all the benefits without having to deal with the majority of them.
Since you only need to pass the fifth and tenth stages in each chapter to pass the entire chapter, you may actually skip 80% of it today. It’s true that you receive incentives for every stage you skip.
• Brand New Background of the Home Menu
As the event approaches, you will have the option to change to the new “Yggdrasil Camp” menu backdrop, which will also be free.
• Players Can Now Utilize a Music Player in Snowbreak: Containment Zone
In addition to being accessible through a piece of base furniture, a music player is going to be incorporated into the archives. Players are able to listen to the several music tracks that Snowbreak: Containment Zone offers here.
But that’s not all because players will also have the option to designate their favorite songs as the soundtrack for the base and game menus. This update is almost as good as the Genshin Impact Version 5.2 Quality of Life Changes announced a couple of weeks ago.
• A Better Operative Viewer
A new option that lets you see your agents’ different clothes. In order to obtain those, you can play the characters’ idle animations whenever you want. This will help you get those perfect and judiciously placed screenshots for your… “photographic” needs.
• More Efficient Logistics Presets for Snowbreak: Containment Zone
Choose from three distinct logistics presets to easily adapt your logistics loadout to various situations.
• You Now Have a Permanent Shop for Those Limited Weapon Parts
Completing daily assignments will earn you fresh cash that you can use to purchase limited-edition weapon parts from past events. You now have an additional source of silverbucks if you already have everything. Excellent work, Seasun.
• Your Battlepass Rewards Now Have Some Opal Vouchers Added to Them
Just what the tin says. Snowbreak: Containment Zone Battlepass now offers opal coupons as rewards:
• 400 from the upgraded pass
• 100 from the basic pass
However, it raises the question of what will happen to the operational banner tickets that are now in the level 40 reward spot. I hope they’re just added to another reward slot that has those. They should just be put in a different reward slot that already has those, in my opinion.
• The Friends List Cap Has Been Raised
A player’s Friend List cap has been raised to 150.
• Gigalink Updates
Gigalink’s neural connections have now been increased every time a player plays it. That’s all for this Snowbreak: Containment Zone update.
• Enhancements to the Elite Logistic Shop's UI
The Elite Logistics shop’s user interface now includes “recommended operatives” for every logistics set. What this does is allow you to see which operatives are meant to use which set.
• Individual Character VO Selection
In Snowbreak: Containment Zone each character’s voice language should be customized separately. Thus, you can have a gathering where Fenny speaks Japanese, Fritia speaks English, and Lyfe speaks Chinese if that’s what you want.
Time to Play Snowbreak: Containment Zone Now That It's Popular Again
With Snowbreak: Containment Zone‘s “Suspense in Skytopia” update, players are already having a fantastic time with the game. This might be the best time to get into the game once again and enjoy the better things the game offers.
What about the “Suspense in Skytopia” update are you most excited about? Convey your thoughts with us using the comments section below!
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